In the second weekend in March 2024, ASF OAU embarked on a transformative journey to Tonkere guided by the theme: The Great Light, inspired by Isaiah’s prophecy (Isaiah 9:2) and Matthew 4:16. As we set foot in the quaint village, nestled amidst serene landscapes, our hearts brimmed with anticipation and purpose.
Upon arrival at the Anglican church, our gracious host, the vicar, ushered us in with a solemn prayer, marking the commencement of our mission. Laden with luggage yet buoyed by fervent spirits, we joined in harmonious songs of praise, offering gratitude for the opportunity to serve.
Soon after, the village head taught lessons in ethics, etiquette, and safety protocols, laying the groundwork for seamless cooperation while at Tonkere.
Nightfall draped the village and the vice president delivered a stirring exhortation, igniting our zeal for the task ahead, followed by dinner and a vigil of prayer chains that lasted into the early hours.
Saturday dawned with a chorus of devotion, as we did morning cries, engaged in a Bible study centered on the theme of light, exploring the profound symbolism of darkness in the human heart.
This introspective session led to an afternoon of evangelism, where the team shared the gospel’s message with open hearts, returning with testimonies of hope and transformation and rejoicing in the power of faith and miracles that backed our witnessing.
Evening came, and it ended with soul-stirring drama from PISTIS production and fervent worship.
The day concluded with fellowship and rest, preparing for the culminating event – the Sunday service.
It was a mosaic of worship, with citizens joining various local congregations and extension of invitations to the evening revival.
Guided by the revivalist’s impassioned preaching, a wave of spiritual renewal swept through the congregation, and men came forward to accept the life of Christ.
The revival itself was marked by simplicity, power, and the Holy Spirit’s palpable presence. Lives were touched and souls were healed.
Afterwards, dinner was served and every citizen retired to gain some strength for the next thing ahead – FLOWS.
We prayed till dawn, and ended with a thanksgiving session for all the Father has accomplished through us.
Monday morning
The mission’s final act was a prayer walk through Tonkere Orile, a symbolic gesture of blessing upon the land and its people.
As dawn broke, we departed, leaving behind a village touched by “The Great Light,” carrying with them memories of a mission that transcended mere words.
With hearts brimming with gratitude even though our bodies were tired, we embarked on our homeward journey.
This is the City of God, where we manifest the Kingdom power!
Olajumoke Adegbite is the Editorial Secretary